The Jerusalem Foundation – Austria
Jerusalem Foundation (Österreich)
Goldschmiedgasse 6,
Türe 11
A-1010 Wien
Tel: 43-664-9112-286
Fax: 43-1-9124-3864
Mag. Renate Brauner
Vice Presidents:
Dr. Ariel Muzicant
Dr. Rudolf Scholten, Federal Minister, ret.
KR Adolf Wala
Mag. Philippe-Giuseppe Kupfer
Gertraud Auer Borea d’Olmo
Arik Grebelsky (ex officio)
Mag. Thomas Drozda
Petra Gregorits
Dr. Peter Jankowitsch
Sonja Kato-Mailath-Pokorny
Dr. Emil Mezgolits
Mag. Thomas Moskovics
Dipl.-Ing. Günter Rhomberg
Dr. Heinrich Schaller
H.E. Kardinal Dr. Christoph Schönborn
KR Victor Wagner
Ambassador ret. Mag. Martin Weiss
General Secretary:
Mag. Philippe-Giuseppe Kupfer
German-Speaking Desk
Irène Pollak-Rein, M.A.
The Jerusalem Foundation
11 Rivka Street, P.O.B. 10185
Jerusalem 9110101, Israel
Tel.: +972 2 6751713
Mobil: +972 52 2633853
The worldwide Jerusalem Foundations are independent organizations, each in their respective country, supporting activities and projects of the Jerusalem Foundation.