Outside, a stormy and cold night swept through Palm Beach, but inside the newly opened Malka Restaurant, the atmosphere was warm and inviting. Israeli Chef Eyal Shani’s latest culinary venture offered a welcoming venue for Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion and newly appointed President of the Jerusalem Foundation Arik Grebelsky to gather for an evening of good food and conversation.
Joel Reitman, President of the Jerusalem Foundation of Canada, and Jill Reitman hosted 35 guests who came to welcome and talk with Mayor Lion, and to share stories about their visits and experiences in Jerusalem. The next day, the mayor of Jerusalem was hosted for Shabbat by the Palm Beach Synagogue for a wonderful Oneg Shabbat and dinner. Mayor Lion spoke to the 200 gathered about Jerusalem as the heart of the Jewish people and on Shabbat he read the entire Torah portion for the congregation.
Sunday found the Mayor and the Jerusalem Foundation delegation on their way to Boca Raton for a beautiful brunch hosted by Elaine and Sherwood Sharfe and their daughter, Heather Fenyes, member of the JFC Board of Directors. Over 50 people enjoyed lovely food and a beautiful tranquil view while Arik and Mayor Lion shared their vision for Jerusalem. Later that afternoon, the mayor was interviewed by Joel, in an armchair encounter at the High Ridge Country Club with an audience of over 400 guests. When Joel opened the floor to questions from the audience, JF President Arik Grebelsky joined on stage and a fascinating conversation about Jerusalem followed.
The delegation went on to Miami and spent the evening of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day with the local community, where the audience of 200 experienced the sorrow and tragedy of survivor stories and then the triumph of overcoming all obstacles for the rebirth of the state of Israel and its capital Jerusalem with an address from Mayor Lion. Jerusalem Foundation Inc. Chair, Steve Scheinfeld, joined the Mayor and spoke about the activities and achievements of the Jerusalem Foundation. The mayor travelled back to South Florida, Boca Raton, to address the winter meeting of the leaders of the major Jewish Federations and Foundations in Canada and was happy to share that he will be coming back to Canada in June and will visit Toronto as well as Western Canada.
Mayor Lion and Arik met with hundreds of new and old friends of Jerusalem across South Florida and we believe that a new winter tradition has begun of bringing Jerusalem to South Florida – so the golden city can meet the golden state.