Every Day is Jerusalem Day
What does Jerusalem mean to you? Does it mean the Western Wall? The Dome of the Rock? The Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the Via Dolorosa? And who is a Jerusalemite? The Jew (ultra Orthodox or otherwise), the Christian, the Muslim?
For us, Jerusalem Day is every day. And everyday, every resident matters – Jewish, Muslim, Christian, secular or religious, old and young. On May 13th, 2018, we will celebrate Jerusalem Day as we always do, honoring and respecting one another.
Thanks to Jerusalem Foundation supporters, we partnered with the Jerusalem Intercultural Center to bring you Jerusalem Day of Diversity for the third year running. This alternative Jerusalem Day event features 80 events open to the public, from Saturday night through Sunday night, that showcase Jerusalem’s diversity, all its diversity. Events range from lectures and seminars to tours and performances; from activities for kids to activities in English, Hebrew and Arabic; activities studying Torah and Hadith; to marching with flowers to marching with families; from French Hill to Arnona, in the Old City, the Tower of David, and Hechal Shlomo – even just riding the light rail – you’ll encounter a vast range of public performances / activities to further tolerance.
Do you want to know how many tolerance-based events we have in Jerusalem every year? Watch this video!
To learn more about Jerusalem’s Day of Diversity, watch this inspiring clip.
Here’s a full list of activities – come and join us!