
During these strange and difficult days, we are all struggling to find our way but there are some families that have extra challenges.  In Jerusalem there are thousands of children with special needs.  Many of them are part of large families and parents have been trying from isolation to keep everyone safe and occupied with no educational frameworks and sometimes in a small space with many people…


Children with special needs can’t always find ways to learn and thrive and their families need help to cope with this current situation.  The Jerusalem Foundation has raised funds around the world and in Israel as part of a joint initiative with the Jerusalem Municipality to distribute tablets to these children.  We have been able to purchase special child-adapted devices and some also have unique filters installed for use by the ultra-Orthodox population.



Mayor Moshe Lion, together with Shai Doron, President of the Jerusalem Foundation, and city council member, Yehuda Freidiger (responsible for special education), have closely supervised this project and ensured the distribution of tablets to these families in need in all neighborhoods of the city. Shai Doron said, “We are making a great effort to respond to the many requests to fulfill basic and immediate needs for all sectors and in all parts of the city during this emergency.”   Mayor Lion stated, “During this crisis, determined actions are needed to support families with special needs children.  The distribution of tablets is one of many initiatives and I would like to thank the Jerusalem Foundation for this donation.”

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