Teddy Park, Mitchell Parks and Gardens was established in memory of the legendary Mayor of Jerusalem and founder of the Jerusalem Foundation Teddy Kollek.
The Park is located across the Jaffa Gate and the Walls of the Old City, on the seam line between the east and west sections of the city.
The Hassenfeld Family Fountain located at the center of the park contains 256 water spouts and approximately 1,500 light fixtures which combines a celebration of light, music and water for the city’s children. The fountain is a main tourist attraction in the city.
The Park relays the life story of Teddy Kollek and incorporates environmental sculptures, an ancient structure that was discovered during the excavations at the site and aqueducts.
The options of commemoration in Teddy Park in the Mitchell Parks and Gardens include unique seating areas and more.
Subject to approval of the Jerusalem Municipality.