Repha'im Valley, Shulov st.

About the project

Animal Assisted Therapy has become a widely respected means of helping special needs children overcome their disabilities, where better to have such a program than at the zoo. This program allows for small groups of children with varying degrees of emotional, behavioral and mental disability to attend weekly meetings throughout the school year. The children are given a choice of animal for which they would be responsible throughout the year for feeding, cleaning and petting. This gives the children a sense of responsibility and empowerment. Their natural affinity and empathy with animals offers a unique opportunity for them to transform their anger and frustration into a positive, caring and productive activity. Any kind of work with animals demands some level of structure and calm, and this essential atmosphere is also beneficial to the children, as they themselves learn to become calmer, and letting go or reducing their own anxiety and stress.
Animals for their part , participate non judgementally, living in the moment, and providing a” magical” interlude from the child ‘s weekly routine.
A Psychologist, the Program Coordinator and the Zoo Keepers, all come together to ensure the programs success.
This program, is open to all socio-economic cultural and religious backgrounds, children and youth of all ages, over 37 educational institutions take part in this project, and has also seen the participation of mentally challanged adults from the ultra orthodox community.

The donors

On the map

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