Creative Culture

Every year the Jerusalem Foundation announces a general call for arts and culture proposals to create platforms for its vibrant mosaic of languages, perspectives and beliefs, enhancing Jerusalem as a diverse, pluralistic city. The initiatives supported by the Jerusalem Foundation promote creative culture in Jerusalem and breathe new life into this ancient city, enhancing its vibrancy and openness for the next decade leading to 2030 and beyond.



In 2019 the Jerusalem Foundation received 140 applications and had to select among many deserving cultural initiatives. Funding is needed to continue to support an increasing number of arts and culture projects that are changing the face of modern Jerusalem. Priority is given to proposals that are original or innovative, bridge social gaps, by providing platforms for populations lacking cultural infrastructure and promote arts and culture in the public sphere. Projects that received funding from the Jerusalem Foundation for three consecutive years are not eligible and enter a two-year waiting period to ensure support to a variety of cultural initiatives.


Impact: The Jerusalem Foundation funding makes the Jerusalem culture and arts scene every day more vibrant, with a huge impact on the artistic community and on the city as a whole.

All contributions will be part of the large distribution of funds that supports arts and culture in Jerusalem.

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